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Wall Street profits more under Obama first 2 years, than 8 years…

November 21, 2011

Sheep Shock: Wall Street profits more under first two years of Obama than ALL 8 years under Bush

 RWBN: If you want to support your local “millionaire/billionaire” then you need to keep Democrats in office, according to new government data.  Under a Democrat-held House of Representatives, Democrat Senate and a Democrat president Wall Street profits have soared. Obama has his “followers” believing he is on the side of the “99%” when it comes to the “Occupy Wall Street” movement and against the Big “Fat Cat” Bankers on Wall Street, but Wall Street profits have soared from $77 billion under all eight years of G.W Bush to a whopping $85 Billion in just two years under the “divider” in chief President Obama.

This also comes a week after learning Obama has received more campaign donations from Wall Street than all GOP candidates combined.

I watch it so you don’t have to. You can tell the Head Cheerleader for Obama on “Sheep TV/MSNBC” was not to happy this morning on “The Morning Joe” show.

Remember last week when Mika and Joe argued about the money coming into Obama’s campaign from Wall Street? Mika tried to say Obama has been tougher on Wall Street than any other president…guess she was wrong again.

(HotAir) The largest banks are larger today than when Obama took office and are returning to the level of profits they were making before the depths of the financial crisis in 2008, according to government data.

Wall Street firms — either independent companies or the high-flying trading arms of banks — are doing even better. They’ve made more profit in the first 2-1/2 years of the Obama administration than they did during the entire Bush administration, industry data show.

Behind this turnaround are government policies that saved the financial sector from collapse and then gave banks and other financial firms huge advantages on the path to recovery. For example, the federal government invested hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in banks, money that the firms used for risky investments on which they made huge profits.

Reviving the financial system was necessary for preventing an even deeper economic recession. But the Bush administration, which first moved to bail out Wall Street, and the Obama administration, which ultimately stabilized it, took a far more tepid approach to helping ordinary Americans, critics say.

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  1. ajulius permalink*
    November 21, 2011 3:27 pm

    I don’t wish to contribute to the whole Obama vs. Bush argument but I DO distinctly recall President Obama’s claim that he would be going after the “Wall Street Fat Cats.” How long before that plan kicks in?????

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